I have been thinking about what I was going to talk about all day today, and finally I have something to say.
I had some plans to go to an awards ceremony with my friend but had to cancel because I was just feeling overwhelmed about homework and such. Not long after my mom got a call from my PaPaw saying that the Curls (some very dear friends) were taking him out to dinner and that there would be a piano concert by Lucy Pat afterwards. Needless to say, my mom and I had to say yes to that.
Now when I said concert I said it for a reason. Lucy Pat is the best pianist I have ever heard. She has played professionally for many, many years and can play anything in any key. When she plays it is like you can actually see the music. It leaps into the air and is almost tangible. It goes deep inside you and touches every heart string so that you experience every emotion, individually and all at once. It is breathtaking and beautiful does not even begin to describe how she plays.
The reason for this gathering is that tomorrow is the third anniversary of the day my grandma passed away. Bill Curl has been one of my PaPaw's best friends for years and years, and Lucy Pat, my grandma's. They called up PaPaw this afternoon and told him that they were going to take him out to dinner and have a concert afterwards, as I have previously said.
I really cannot get over how incredibly Lucy Pat plays. I never get tired of listening to her play. She could play for hours and hours, and when she stops it feels like only moments have passed by. She played quite a few of my grandma's favorite songs tonight, including Clair de Lune, Great Is Thy Faithfulness, and I sang along as she played Amazing Grace. My grandma sang all four verses of amazing grace the day she died when she heard that she was coming home from the hospital. I cannot even begin to say how honored I am to have sung it tonight, especially alongside Lucy Pat.
The Curls are just some of the most special people that anyone will ever meet. They have been missionaries all over the world and now, in their retirement, they minister to the missionaries who are actively serving all over the world. I remember when I was in AWANA as a little kid one of the pages in my Sparky's book included an activity in which you prayed for missionaries and wrote them a letter. I chose the Curls.
I do hope that someday I can be like them. I would love to live in the UK as a missionary (which they did for many years in Wales). Mr. Bill even got to meet the Queen by some providential chance. I really can say nothing but good things about them.
Days till Israel: 37
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