Friday, April 1, 2011

BEDA #1: What a (n Awful) Start to April

I've decided that this year I am going to participate in BEDA (blog every day in April) and seeing as it is April First, this would be a good day to start. So here we go:

Today as I was leaving my house to go for a run I came across some road kill. Now this is not uncommon out where I live, I see the poor animals and feel sad but I have never gotten emotional about them.  However today was different.  What I saw was not one life lost, but five.  Someone had hit a pregnant armadillo and the force of the impact caused the three tiny fetuses growing inside her to be thrown from her body.  And as I passed them, and saw their tiny pink bodies, umbilical cords and amniotic sacks still attached, I lost it.  I wept, I just could not handle what was in front of me, and I lost it.

Once I regained my composure, I tried to run and clear my mind of the gory image, but low and behold, not even halfway through my run I came across a poor squirrel who had been hit crossing the street.  I nearly just curled up in fetal  position.  I learned that running while emotionally compromised, with asthma is not a good idea, ever.  Today was not a good day.

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