Friday, April 22, 2011

BEDA #22: Light Sabers, T-REX, and Snuggies! Oh My!

Today my lovely and wonderful friend, Emily, and I built our light sabers.  It was great fun and also super confusing.  I'm not sure if we made it more difficult than it should have been or if it was really just that hard.  Either way it was fun.  My light saber is purple and hers is a double blade one like Darth Maul's.  When hers is fully extended it's taller than me, and I'm 5'7".

After we built our sabers we went to lunch at T-REX.  It's basically the same thing as The Rainforest Cafe, only instead of jungle creatures it's full of dinosaurs.  We got to sit right next to the fish tank, and experienced a meteor shower every 15 minutes.  It was great fun.

On our way back to the car, we stopped to watch a dance company from NC preform.  They were all pretty young, and in my opinion weren't very enthusiastic.

Today is also my littlest sister's birthday.  She turned ten today, so we had the dinner she picked out and lemon cake.

I have felt terrible all afternoon and I took a pretty decent snuggie nap.  But even that could not make me feel better.  I am so over being sick.

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