Monday, April 11, 2011

BEDA #11: Technically It's The 10th Entry, But Who's Counting Anyway

So I failed BEDA.  Last night I was watching a movie, I had started it around 8:30, and I fell asleep on the couch about half way into it.  I woke up only to find that it was 3 AM and I realized that I had not blogged at all yesterday.  But what can you do?  I set out this month to blog every day and just because I missed yesterday does not mean that I am going to quit for the rest of the month.  I was going to talk about my prom dress shopping experience yesterday, and since I didn't, I figure I will today.

After church yesterday, my mom and I went dress shopping.  We ended up going to three different malls and about six different stores before I found one that worked.  My dress is a dark teal halter top with a  bow and a big ruffle going down the side. I absolutely love it.

Then while we were walking through one of the stores a dress on a mannequin caught my eye and as we were passing I said it was cute.  My mom then stopped and said I should try it on, and I did.  It fit perfectly.  It is a gorgeous, knee length floral patterned dress.  It's all bright and springy and it is wonderful.

So, now I have talked all about dresses; something that I don't do often.  And thus concludes my thoughts for now.

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