I've been meaning to write another post for quite a while now, but I just never got around to it. So much has happened in these past months that I don't even know where to begin. I guess I'll start with June because nothing of much consequence happened in May other than graduation.
On June 4 My mom and I left for Israel with SLU 401. It was such a phenomenal trip. We went everywhere and saw everything. There would be about 4 or 5 things on our agenda for the day, but by the end we would end up doing 10 to 12 things thanks to the amazing Dr. Jay Strack. I met some wonderful people who I truly love to be around. I can really only say good things about this trip.
A week after getting back from Israel I headed up to college orientation. It was a blast! I met some really nice folks and got all the classes I need at the times I wanted, so I'm pretty pleased with that.
July brought a whole host of things. I ended up getting violently ill on the 2nd and was not well enough by the 4th to participate in any patriotic activities. This is the second year in a row that I haven't gotten to celebrate the 4th. Last year I was flying to London and this year I was puking my guts out. Hopefully this doesn't become some kind of horrid tradition!
The Last week of July Dori, Amy, Emily, Chloe and I spent a week up in the mountains in Georgia. It was way too much fun! I hadn't seen Chloe since last summer and it was really great to spend time with her again. We did so much while in Georgia. We hiked, swam in waterfalls, rafted down the Chattahoochee River, went to a fair, and spent the afternoon on a boat in the middle of a gorgeous lake surrounded by mountains. Not to mention we watched Pearl Harbor three times and fended for ourselves quite well. It was a really great week.
August, thus far, has been a month of late nights and goodbyes. This month I have been cramming as much time with my friends as humanly possible. I have already had to say goodbye so many times a people head off to various states to begin their college adventures. I'm the last of my friends to leave and let me tell ya, it's killing me! I have one week left to pack up the last 18 years of my life and move into my dorm to begin my adventures.
That's pretty much all I've been up to. We'll see if it's another four months before I get to this again.
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